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Coffee Latte with Xixona nougat

If you like nougat, this Coffee Latte with Xixona nougat will be a delight. The idea came to us at the BIOFACH 2025 organic fair. This legendary fair aimed at the organic market, meets annually in Nuremberg to the forefront of international organic producers. There we met Adrian, from @nutxesturronchocolate, who presented us his range of nougats and chocolates, among which we highlight the Xixona nougat cream. The cream has all the flavor of Xixona nougat but comes in a jar in spreadable format. After tasting this delight, we decided to make a latte substituting the coconut butter that we usually use for the nougat cream. The result was spectacular, a real delicacy!

sobre una mesa jarra con el cafe latte junto a tarro de turrón xixona orgánico

Coffee Latte with Xixona nougat recipe:

If you don’t have the Xixona nougat spreadable cream, you can substitute this ingredient for a piece of Xixona nougat or any other nougat you like. With this recipe, you will discover another way of eating nougat. Mixed with coffee, they combine wonderfully and it also dilutes the amount of sugar making it healthier.


  • 500 ml of water at 70-80ºC
  • 25 g of coffee beans
  • 25 g of oat flakes
  • 25 g of tigernuts (or any other nut you have on hand)
  • 100 g Xixona nougat cream (or a piece of any other nougat you like)


Preparation time: 5 minutes.

Emulsifying disk: we have used the SuperBag disk (0.3 µ).

  1. Pour water at 70-80ºC in the container.
  2. Place the emulsifying filter of any Vegan Milker model inside the container and add the rest of the ingredients and leave to infuse for 2 minutes.
  3. After the resting time, grind the ingredients with the help of a hand blender for 1 minute.
  4. Remove the filter over the coffee and continue beating with the blender to filter the pulp quickly and easily.
  5. Finish the process by pressing with a mortar to obtain the last pulp and to dry the coffee better.
  6. Let the coffee rest for at least 10 minutes. It can be drunk hot or cold.
  7. It will last five days in the refrigerator and as it happens with non-pasteurized plant milk, it will improves overtime.

Tips & Alternatives

  • This latte can be an ideal ingredient for making desserts: French toast, ice cream, etc.
  • The pulp is very tasty and full of nutritional properties. It can be used to make a second extraction or as an ingredient for bakery or to prepare wonderful coffee and nougat taste energy bars.

Thank you Adrian from @nutxesturronchocolate for inspiring us for this delicious recipe.

Cardamom and cinnamon coffee
  • vegan milker classic despiezada




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