Canary seed milk

Vegan recipe of homemade canary seed milk

Canary seed milk is a homemade plant milk, which although it has a herbaceous taste is quite tasty. Canary seed milk is better known for its medicinal properties than for its culinary value.

When canary seed milk is homemade, that is, milk made at home with the Vegan Milker  or using any other traditional method, it is not pasteurised, sterilised or homogenised, does not contain either gluten or lactose and has very, very interesting medicinal properties.

Here’s a summary of its most significant properties:

  • Canary seed milk is recommended for the treatment of illnesses like cirrhosis or liver diseases since it is capable of reducing the inflammation of organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas. It recharges the kidneys with enzymes and helps to eliminate excess liquid.
  • It contains lipase, an enzyme which helps to purify harmful fats in veins and arteries, as well as fat deposits by helping to burn the fat. For this reason, canary seed milk is also recommended in diets and for weight loss in people suffering from obesity.
  • Canary milk also helps to prevent arteriosclerosis and helps in cases of gout, oedemas, gastritis and stomach ulcers.
  • To these properties we can add other more common properties, which are no less important, such as the fact canary seed milk contains a high percentage of antioxidants and vegetable proteins.
NUTRITIONAL VALUESx 100 mlx 250 ml 
Energy value23,9059,9kcal
*of which saturated0,000,10g
*of which sugars0,000,10g
Dietary fiber0,501,10g
Magnesium 11,8029,40mg

Here’s the recipe of homemade canary seed milk:


  • 100 grammes of canary seeds (for human consumption)
  • 1 litre of water
  • a pinch of salt (optional)

Preparation method

(Small seeds milk method)

  1. Soak the canary seeds overnight and the following day throw away the water they were soaking in.
  2. Put ½ litre of water at room temperature in the Vegan Milker container and then put in the filter containing the canary seeds.
  3. Mix for 1 or 2 minutes using the hand mixer on maximum power.
  4. When the seeds have been well squeezed, add the remaining ½ litre of water and mix again, this time on the hand mixer’s normal position for 15 seconds until all the milk is mixed well.
  5. Let the milk rest for 5 minutes and then filter it with the help of the Vegan Milker mortar.
  6. Keep the milk in the fridge.

We do not recommend drinking this milk every day. For 10 days drink a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and another at night and then stop the treatment. For more information on the subject, I suggest you consult your natural medicine specialist.

Tips and alternatives

Vegan recipe of canary seed milk and nettles

For canary seed milk it is always best to use water at room temperature so that it doesn’t lose its medicinal properties.

If you want your canary seed milk, or any plant milk, to have extra calcium content, you can add nettles, sesame seeds, dates… Since we like to use what we have close at hand, we have improved our canary seeds milk with some nettles from the garden and it was very good!

Canary seed milk pulp is so fibrous that we don’t know how to recycle it and we put it on the compost heap.

Vegan rice pudding made with almond milk - video recipe Passion fruit juice - Video recipe
  • vegan milker classic despiezada


    Original price was: 37,50€.Current price is: 33,75€.
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    Original price was: 45,90€.Current price is: 41,31€.

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    1. Maureen Abram

      My chickens really like the pulp left over from the canary seed milk

      • Plant Milk

        Yes sure, they love it!!

        • moe armstrong

          So, my blood pressure got up to 180 in Mexico The Mexicans I met told me to take Alpiste. My blood pressure drop to 150 in 24 hours And to 130 in 48 hours. I can also breath and have more energy. I don’t know why . I also have have more energy. I am decorated combat Veteran from Vietnam with major symptoms. High blood pressure and heart attack is the one symptom from Agent Orange. Also, respiratory failure Alpiste seems to be turning around both of these symptoms

          • Juan

            Hi, what is the proper way to actually eat the canary seed? Or how were u taking it. Thanks

    2. Emanuela Cooper

      My cholesterol dropped from 310 to 260 in only three weeks. Amazing.

    3. Carmen

      Love to do it just want to know (they say for10day which is good ?when could I
      start again o it’s one time only .need to know to start to drink it (clean my body)

      • Carmen

        Just what to know how many time I have to drink it)( they say 2 times a day)m/n) for ten days. When could it be ripped pants clean my body

        • Plant Milk

          Hi Carmen,
          I propose to drink 1 glass of canary seed milk a day. Better with the empty stomach in the morning during no more than 10 days, because if you drink too much canary seed milk you can lost basic important minerals from our organism. To a deeper answer, please, contact an nutrition specialist. Thanks for your question, I think that is interesting advice the comunity about this issue.

      • Plant Milk

        You can repeat the treatment once a trimester. But it depends of each organism, so better to ask to a doctor or a nutricionist.


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