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Cardamom and cinnamon coffee

Cardamom and cinnamon coffee is a very easy recipe. In just five minutes you will get a very special coffee combination with Indian aroma.
In India there is a long tradition of grinding coffee and cardamom in the same grind. Let’s try the recipe and see what comes out.

Benefits of cardamom coffee

Whenever we use organic ingredients for coffee with cardamom and cinnamon this combination will offer us the following properties:

  • Improves digestion. Cardamom is known for its digestive and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Increases energy and reduces stress.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
un vaso con café sobre una mesa de madera junto a semillas de cardamomo granos de café Y un palo de canela

Cardamom and cinnamon coffee recipe:

This recipe can be made with any Vegan Milker version that has a glass jar. However, the ideal version for brewing coffee is the CBE. The CBE filter is finer than the others. Therefore it’s possible to brew coffee beans or ground coffee while minimising the sediment into the drink.


  • ½ litre hot water at 90°C
  • 30 g speciality coffee beans
  • Two cardamom seeds
  • One cinnamon stick


Preparation time: 5 minutes.

  1. Place the ground coffee (0.1µ) and superbag (0.3µ) discs in the CBE’s base of the filter.
  2. Put all the ingredients into the filter and grind dry using the hand blender so you get coarse ground.
  3. Heat the water to 90°C and add on top of the ground.
  4. Place a lid to keep the infusion warm and leave it to infuse for five minutes.
  5. After, remove the lid, lift the filter and press the pulp with a mortar.

Now we have our aromatic coffee that will take us to India.

Tips and alternatives:

  • To enhance the cardamom aroma, add more cardamom seeds or grind them separately in a mortar and pestle before mixing them with the other ingredients.
  • If you want to turn this speciality coffee into a coffee latte, simply add cashew, almond, peanut, oat or pistachio seeds to the ingredients… whatever you like best.


Other related articles
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