Home / Recipes / Plant milk recipes / Nut milk recipes / Chocolate Coconut Oat Milk with Dates – Dairy free

Chocolate Coconut Oat Milk with Dates – Dairy free

Homemade oat milk is usually a sweet, creamy milk which might seem a bit dull if it’s storebought oat milk you’re used to drinking. We’d love to make it easier to eat healthier, that’s why we wanted to introduce you all to a fancier version that we’re sure everybody will go crazy for!

We’ve added a bit of shredded coconut, cacao powder and some dates (since they’re in season now!) to add an extra flavour kick to our milk, as well as many nutrients.

The result is a homemade oat milk which is really to die for, perfect for these colder winter months! If you like hot chocolate, don’t forget to check out all our hot chocolate ideas in our post “How to make hot chocolate with homemade plant milks”.

Chocolate Coconut Oat Milk with Dates vegan recipe dairy freeHere goes today’s recipe:

  • 1 litre warm milk (60-70ºC)
  • 50g rolled oats
  • 20g shredded coconut
  • 2 tablespoons of fair-trade cacao powder
  • 2-5 ripe dates
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Fill your Vegan Milker by Chufamix jar with the litre of warm milk.
  2. Put oats, coconut, pitted dates and salt in the filtering mesh.
  3. Blend with your hand blender for 1 minute.
  4. Let everything sit and chill for 5 minutes.
  5. De-attach the filtering extension and press pulp with the mortar to squeeze the last droplets of milk.
  6. Set pulp aside to make some desserts, such as cookies or cakes (you can see some ideas in the “pulp” section)
  7. Milk lasts for up to 3-5 days in the fridge if not consumed straight-away.

Tips and tricks:

vegan recipe of making cookies with oats and coconut milk Be careful with the water temperature, it cannot be higher than 70ºC since it would make the milk turn very mucous due to natural mucilages present in the oats. Do not use more than 50g of oats per litre of water either!

If the milk turns out too thick, you can add extra water and blend again to homogenize it. Or else, you could use less milk. We have a post with simple trips and tricks which make preparing your own oat milk much easier.

Apart from the milk, we have the remaining pulp, which is super tasty, chocolaty with a hint of coconut. It works great when making cookies or cakes. I decided to add one ripe banana, 50 grams of almond meal and a pinch of salt. Once the dough has been mixed well, you can make small dollops to place them in a baking tray. If you press them until they’re thin, they’ll bake faster. In my case, I baked them at 180ºC (375F) for 10 minutes.

It’s so good not having to throw anything away!  Cheers!

How to make vegetable paté from leftover pulp from making almond milk or any other nut milk Sustainable wood mortar. How is it made?
  • vegan milker classic despiezada




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    1. Alheniel

      Sounds awesome! Will try both

    2. Katrin

      What warm milk do you add? Or is it warm water? Or do you add the oat milk warmed up you made before?

      • lechevegetal

        It is warm water and I make the oat and coconut milk with chocolate at once.


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