Home / Tips and tricks / Nutrition / Golden Milk

Golden Milk

Golden milk is an ancient drink which is lovely to have during autumn. This fabulous recipe was shared by our Chufamix friend Briguitte Andreae a few months ago, since it’s a brilliant remedy for those cases of winter blues.

It’s all about making a lovely, aromatic golden paste that you can use to infuse all of your favourite plant milks, from almond to coconut, oat or sunflower seed milk. Plus it’s a fantastic substitute for coffee and tea, in case you’re not a fan of those.

Ingredients for the golden paste:

  • 10 cl. Water
  • 2 tbsp. turmeric powder
  • A pinch of black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom (or three small cardamom seeds)
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil


  1. Let’s start by preparing the paste.
  2. Heat water and spices on low heat for 5 minutes, stirring often so the mixture doesn’t burn.
  3. Add the coconut oil and stir to combine.
  4. Once made, this paste lasts for up to 1-2 weeks in the fridge. It will get thicker as it sits, which is a totally normal part of the process.
  5. To make the milk, mix 1-2 tsp. of this paste with a cup of warm plant milk and optional sweeter (optional).

Thank you Brigitte and all of the Chufamix community for sharing all of your wonderful ideas and make this adventure such a fantastic one!

Cheers to golden milk! We hope you love it!

Use and maintenance of the filter How to make vegetable paté from leftover pulp from making almond milk or any other nut milk
  • vegan milker classic despiezada


    Original price was: 37,50€.Current price is: 33,75€.
  • -10%


    Original price was: 45,90€.Current price is: 41,31€.

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    1. Karlijn den Hollander

      10dl water is1 liter water, it just feels so much for making a paste

      • Elena Lescano

        It is not 1dl; it’s 1 cl.


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