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Homemade Low-Cost Protein Shake

Have you ever tried a homemade protein shake? It’s a super easy recipe to make, and the result is spectacular. A homemade protein shake has nothing to envy from a commercial one – in fact, it’s usually better.

By preparing our vegan protein shake at home, we save a lot of money, avoid single-use packaging, and our homemade shake will be much more nutritious and healthier than any industrial shake.

If you use a Vegan Milker, the preparation will only take three minutes. You can make half a liter or up to 3 liters at once, depending on the container you use.

Batido proteico de choclate sobre una mesa junto a dos boles, uno con semillas de girasol y otro con copos de avena.

Protein Shake Recipe

We’ll use ingredients with a high protein content. We’ve selected the most affordable ingredients so that the shake is accessible to everyone.


  • 800 ml of water
  • 50 g of rolled oats
  • 50 g of sunflower seeds
  • 1/2 banana
  • Salt

Flavorings: 2 tablespoons of cocoa, 1 teaspoon of vanilla essence, and/or 3-4 pitted dates. You can easily skip all these flavorings since the protein comes from the seeds and fruit we’ve chosen. The idea is to pick the flavoring you like the most and experiment with new flavors.

Premium version: You can replace the banana with avocado, which is also a fruit rich in protein. Remember, if you use organic avocado, you can use the fruit with its skin and seed, taking advantage of all its nutrients. You’ll find an example of how to do this in this green gazpacho recipe.

Protein Shake Preparation:

Prep time: 5 minutes

  1. Pour the water into the Vegan Milker container.
  2. Insert the filter into the container and add all the ingredients inside the filter.
  3. Blend the mixture with a hand blender for 1 minute.
  4. After blending, lift the filter above the drink and continue blending to filter quickly.
  5. Finish the process by pressing the pulp with a mortar.
  6. Store the natural protein shake in the fridge. It will last 3-5 days. Resting intensifies the flavor, so it will taste better each day. Shake well before serving.

Tips & Alternatives

  • Soaking the oats: If you like to soak rolled oats before use, place the water and oats inside the filter and let them soak for the desired amount of time (no more than 8 hours). After soaking, add the other ingredients and proceed as described in the original recipe.
  • Time-saving tip: If you consume protein shakes daily, you can save time by preparing 3 liters at once. To do this, simply replace the Vegan Milker container with a pot and triple the amount of ingredients in the filter (or add them gradually if they don’t all fit at once).
  • The pulp: The residue left after making the shake is a highly nutritious pulp that shouldn’t be thrown away. It’s perfect for adding to muesli, making pancakes, cookies, or even homemade energy bars. You’ll find plenty of recipes in the pulp section of this website.
Pumpkin spice latte Cardamom and cinnamon coffee
  • vegan milker classic despiezada


    Original price was: 37,50€.Current price is: 33,75€.
  • -10%


    Original price was: 45,90€.Current price is: 41,31€.

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