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Oat milk with strawberries and lentil sprouts

Super nutritive veggie milk

Super nutritive veggie milk

We are very interested in the germination so we’ve started to explore. Our first step has been with legumes: chickpeas and lentil seeds, you have all the information on germination in our article “homemade germination (part 1)”.

We’ve used chickpeas and lentil sprouts to add to salads, soups and to make hummus to o why not use them as a nutritional supplement in veggie milks?!

When we add sprouts to a milk the taste of it radically changes, it becomes more herbal. So we think that this recipe is for the “wild palates” out there.

In this case, we’ve added some fruit to the milk, but if you’d rather, it could be substituted by vegetables such as carrots or celery… Of course it is a very personal choice, but we encourage you to use the seasonal harvest of your local agriculture!


  • 1 litre of water
  • 50 grams of rolled oats
  • 30 grams of lentil sprouts
  • 12 strawberries
  • 1 banana
  • a pinch of salt


  1. Firstly you have to get lentil sprouts following the instructions of the link provided above.
  2. Fill the Vegan Milker container with ½ liter of hot water and insert the filtering glass.
  3. Add the oats and the salt to the filtering glass and blend the mixture.
  4. Then add the lentil sprouts and the fruit along with ½ liter of natural water (room temperature).
  5. Blend again until all of the ingredients are mixed thoroughly.
  6. Raise the filtering-glass and strain the milk from the pulp using the mortar.

Water Temperature

  • Firstly we put ½ liter of hot water (70ºC) to squeeze the oats better(we always use hot water to make cereal milks). If you are interested in the basic rules to make natural veggie milks you can follow the link to “ basic advice on making vegetable milks”.
  • The ½ liter of water that is added in the second part of the process can be natural water (room temperature) to preserve the fruit and sprouts´ properties better.

Tips and alternatives

  • Lentil sprouts can be replaced by other sprouts like: chickpeas, sunflower seeds, alfalfa, arugula… In all cases, we should use at least 30 grams of sprouts to get a significant increase in nutritional value. If you haven’t tried sprouts before, we propose that you begin using a lower quantity and increase it litle by litle.
  • Without sprouts, this is a really nice recipe with a significant supply of fruit vitamins.
  • Like other veggie milks you must keep it in the fridge. It expires in about 3 days.
Cosmetic trick with Verónica Blume Almond milk pudding with berries & pulp crumble topping
  • vegan milker classic despiezada


    Original price was: 37,50€.Current price is: 33,75€.
  • -10%


    Original price was: 45,90€.Current price is: 41,31€.

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