Home / Recipes / Recipes made with plant milk / Sweet recipes made with plant milk / Torrijas with rice milk, chocolate and cinnamon

Torrijas with rice milk, chocolate and cinnamon

Torrijas are a traditional Spanish dessert, really easy to make and very cheap – even more if we make it with home-made rice milk!
We can make rice milk at home with 40 g of raw rice, which means the liter of rice milk would cost only 0,20€ (made with bio rice). With one liter of milk, we can make around 20 middle sized torrijas, which can be stored in the fridge during a week. Torrijas are a great sweet option to have as breakfast, snack or dessert.

Torrijas with rice milk recipe

For this recipe we aim you to split the liter of rice milk in two (half and half) to make two different versions and please all tastes and preferences. We can make approximately 12 chocolate torrijas and have the other 12 the traditional way: with cinnamon and lemon peel.

1 L of water
40 g of rice
1 pinch of salt
2 tbsp of sugar (or 1 tsp of agave syrup)
1 tsp of cinnamon
2 tsp of powder cocoa
Lemon peel
300 g tbsp of chickpea flour + 200 ml or water (vegan egg)
A bit of oil
Sugar and cinnamon to sprinkle

30 min preparation
30 min stand

Wash the rice and make rice milk with it. In this video recipe we show you how easy it is to make it at home with Vegan Milker.

Heat the milk until it is boiling and then lower the temperature and add the spices. If you want to make the two versions, split the milk in two pots. Add the cocoa powder to one of them and the cinnamon with the lemon peel to the other one. Stir frequently so that the milk doesn’t get stick on the bottom of the pot. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and let it infuse.

In the meanwhile, slice the bread into 1,5-2 cm slices and place them in a flat pan or cooking tray. Once the milk has cooled down a bit, remove the cinnamon stick and lemon peel and pour the milk on the bread slices. We will let it still for 10/15 minutes on each side (turn it around carefully!). We can tell they are ready to be fried when we pinch them with a fork and the crumb is soft. It is very important to check them from time to time, otherwise they could dissolve in the milk.

Stir the chickpea flour with the water to create the vegan breading. Baste the torrijas with this mix and fry them in a pan with hot oil. Finally, serve them with sugar and cinnamon on top.

Tips and other options

We must avoid pouring really hot milk on the bread slices, because depending on which bread we are using, they may dissolve.

You can switch the cinnamon with vanilla or any of your favorite spices.

Torrijas can be made with rice milk or with any other vegan milk. You have other torrijas recipes with horchata or coconut milk in this blog!

Homemade walnut milk Beetroot pâté with walnut pulp
  • vegan milker classic despiezada


    Original price was: 37,50€.Current price is: 33,75€.
  • -10%


    Original price was: 45,90€.Current price is: 41,31€.

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