In this article we are going to present you some vegan recipes for Christmas that are prepared with plant milk or leftover pulp. The objective on the one hand, is to refresh star recipes that we have on the blog and on the other hand, to offer simple, nutritious and healthy proposals that can please all people, whether vegan or not, who share a table at Christmas celebrations.
The recipes we share here are simple to prepare. When it’s time to serve, you only need to add some decorative touches to improve the presentation. I leave this up to you, but to give you some ideas, you can use: white or black sesame seeds, some mint leaves, even some edible flower petals such as marigold or rose. Presentations with natural edible ingredients are usually original and very attractive.
Savory recipes:
Any of these recipes can serve as a starter or as a second course.
Beet pate can be a fun starter that will bring color to the table. Mushroom cream or soup will be an ideal hot starter option. Besides, the taste of mushrooms is quite universal and known to almost everyone. For those who have never tried tofu, chickpea tofu wok is something more exotic that in addition to providing a lot of protein, will conquer the palate of the most reluctant to vegan food.

Sweet recipes:
Vegan desserts have nothing to envy to traditional desserts, they even offer new textures and flavors very appreciated by everyone. It will be hard for anyone to resist these sweets. Truffles need no justification, hahaha.
Oat pancakes or sponge cake can be filled for the occasion. My proposal is to fill them with applesauce, chopped walnuts, raisins and cinnamon. These are very winter flavors that match perfectly with the nutritional needs of this time of year.

Special drinks for the occasion:
There are certain flavors that transport us to this time of year. This is the case of Christmas punch or spiced milk. The punch is a rather sweet drink that is drunk hot and gives us energy. The spiced milk is flavored with the typical aromas that are added to the typical Christmas cookies of Northern Europe.

We wish you a happy end of the year and may you celebrate it with lots of love, tasty nutritius dishes and good company!