Home / Recipes / Recipes made with plant milk / Vegetable juice or liquid gazpacho

Vegetable juice or liquid gazpacho


More summer options brought to you by ChufaMix.


  • ½ a litre of water
  • 3 tomatoes cut in half
  • ½ a cucumber
  • ½ a clove of garlic
  • 1 onion
  • 1 medium sized green pepper (remove seeds)
  • Salt
  • Vinegar
  • Extra Virgin olive oil


  1. Put half a litre of water in the Chufamix container
  2. Fit the filtering glass and add the hardest vegetables first, and then the softer. In this order: garlic, cucumber, pepper, onion and tomato
  3. Using the hand mixer, blend it all for approximately one minute
  4. Take the filtering glass out of the water, stir it with a wooden spoon or spatula with patience until you clearly see the pulp. Then squeeze out the remaining drops using the ChufaMix´s mortar.
  5. Add the salt, a trickle of vinegar and finally a trickle of olive oil
  6. Stir with a wooden spatula
  7. The result is a very watery vegetable juice which is full of flavour but not as creamy as the traditional “gazpacho”.

Water temperature

Do it with either natural or cold water, whichever you prefer. If you are not going to drink it right away, keep it in the fridge.


The vegetable juice does separate as most veggie drinks, so you must shake the container properly before serving it.

The remaining pulp is like a “guacamole”, which can be used to spread on toast or as a dip.

If you prefer, you can substitute the ingredients for any other vegetables. We would recommend not using avocado, because the filtering it´ll be laborious, but you can add it to the remaining pulp, yummmmm…

Here you have our video in spanish, but you can enjoy the movie !!

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